Throwing a Hammer

I found this on “accident” while doing real work. I thought it would be cool to share it as an example of physics and technology coming together to make awesomeness, or just unexpectedness.

Its from Wolfram’s Demonstration site. I have tried to imbed its CDF file (similar to PDF’s if but for Mathematica documents rather then Word documents) with its cool javascript, but alas Worpress does not like me. So the original is here or you can get the CDF from my files. Note the the CDF needs a reader program so just going to Wolfram’s page will be easier.

I would set the height, velocity, x-rotation, and y-rotation as desired. Then if you click the little “+” to the right of the throw slider you will get and extra menu bar. If you hit the play sign you will see the hammer continually being thrown. Its like a movie!